Chaos Masters Forum

Is what I’m seeing a lot of on these forums. It’s got me thinking.“White Knights” swooping in when anything remotely critical of the game gets mentioned. You are trolling.“Griefers” swooping in when anything remotely positive gets mentioned about the game. You are trolling.Abject, thoughtful, constructive discussion has largely dissipated on these forums.

Perhaps it never existed.Suggestions of how to improve the game often get shot down at some point. Ideas that people have to progress the ‘game as service’ get squashed. Not with constructive discussion. With bile.Blindly defending the game and Rare is actually harmful. The game has flaws. It’s plain for all to see.It also has an incredible base that needs our input to progress as we’d like it to.

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Rather than just criticising Rare or the game for the sake of it - maybe we could add suggestions to improve it.I think my point is: add something constructive to a thread that helps the game - with every post you do - rather than spitting at each other.I’m no saint. I’ve got into arguments I wish I hadn’t.

I’ve gone way off topic when I knew I shouldn’t have.But I now see this.I’m hopeful I can now add something constructive to every thread, with every post I make - for the good of the game.We all love the game. We may not agree with each other. But endless threads that descend into chaos are doing nothing positive for the game.“If you haven’t got anything ‘constructive’ to say, don’t say anything at all”.Perhaps with this in mind - less threads would descend into chaos. This game is unlike many others, yet has similarities to many. It brings a variety of gamers together and because we are how are, there is a divide.

The most redundant thread titles are lines in the sand, and we all children crying out our differences and opinions.Lol even then those on the forum are a very small portion of who plays the game. Ever try and start an Xbox clan, with a forum based roster? It's like pulling teeth to get people just to get into the clan site lol.In the tech alpha some of us knew how the community would turn towards chaos. We were just nay sayers though.No doubt it is harmful.

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Wondered when I’d see you here:)The topic is about chaotic threads and how they “could” be harmful to the development of the game.“The game as service” is a fantastic example of where we disagree. For me, Rare want our feedback and suggestions - and as I stated, we have a ‘slim’ chance our ideas will be implemented.If the model was to create a basic game, with little variety and for it to stay that way - or to be drip fed new content - that we as a community have literally no say in - then the model is seriously flawed and insulting for its price tag. Why would I spend top whack on anything in life if it wasn’t the finished article?The game is a base. It will be added to. But the model only works if we as the community get a say in how it progresses. Otherwise it’s a rip off and I’d like to believe it’s not.So threads with our suggestions, feedback and ideas are very important to the game.

But only if they stop being so chaotic. I believe there are a great many pirates on the forums who are very passionate about the game and the content/mechanics/playstyles they would like to see.I believe where everything breaks down slightly is where our discourse is directed 'at the human/organisation' behind the post, rather than the idea.e.gWoot! Everyone can share their bananas!' I disagree that the idea of being able to give away my bananas is a good one, I'm going to feel guilty every time a crewmate dies and I have some in my inventory.'

'Rare are stupid to let this happen, why on earth would you think being able to hand over valuable hard to find items is a good idea, now I'm going to get trolled over not giving away my bananas when someone who didn't bother to collect resources is dying'Probably not a very good example, but there we go.There are constructive threads and discussions, possibly just not around the topics which are most popular at the time. Pirates want their voices to be heard, both for and against an idea.I also read somewhere very recently about negative feedback and steam reviews. So all types of discussion have value.The study estimates that 42 percent of Steam reviews provide 'valuable' feedback, value defined here as specific pros, cons, or bug reports. Although the study found that more of that sort of feedback appears in negative reviews, Lin and the team stress that positive reviews can also provide useful information, such as which features are important to players and can be expanded. Absolutely.Negativity is not a problem. Nor is positivity.As you said, it’s the human nature - mud slinging, that I feel bogs down any decent discussion, suggestion or concept.As long as Rare can sift through it all I guess it doesn’t matter.I think my feeling is that the more posts that are constructive and thoughtful, the easier it will be to find the gems, the better it will be for the progression of the game.It’s so disappointing when a thread starts off so well, has a great discussion going on, to see it derail too early into chaotic sniping.But we’re all human.Unfortunately. I can’t believe this, as we’ve locked horns on a few occasions, but I agree with you;)Rare shouldn’t just include the ideas of the loudest.

I think a lot of upvotes however should be taken on board - otherwise what’s the point of the function.They’re making their game - the way they want to. I doubt very much the structure of what we have now will change much at all - which is good.But our suggestions are valuable. This to me was a major draw of the game.And if all we’re doing is squabbling, sniping and generally being horrible to each other the game ‘could’ suffer for a lack of coherent suggestion. I think one of the biggest problems we have is the way people reply to threads and each otther, theres not really much debate and where there is it usually end up people getting offended and feeling like they are being attacked for there views and results in an argument.The second one is when people actually reply to an idea which they dpnt agree with a majority of people just try to shut it down like saying it 'It wont work' 'Its against Rares plans' ect.Yet they offer know alternative idea, or a way to comprismise ideas or even expand on them. Instead of just shuttig an idea down because you dont think it fits the game, expand on it. How would you make it fit the game?

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Say why it doesnt and try and think off a different solution or a workaround for there problem. This is exactly my point.It’s fairly basic techniques learnt, or should have been, at a relatively young age.What, why and how.If these are always implied when writing. A discussion, an argument, anything. It would make reading threads and posts feel a little more cohesive.It may enable us to better understand each other, and have less toxicity - without threads descending into battlegrounds.Far be it for me to say how people should communicate.

But there are better ways than others.I actually prefer chaos to order. But not when communication is concerned.

41) Master of Chaos SolutionOct 27, 2013 8:35:58 GMTderjeboven likes this
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Post by champskees on Oct 27, 2013 8:35:58 GMT

Master of Chaos is a solid adventure from Keith Martin. The city is pretty fun to explore, and there are some great characters in the story, notably Jesper and the Dark Elf. Quite a few opponents have a high stamina score and as with Vault of the Vampire, there is no way to avoid fighting the villain at the end, so I recommend decent stats (9+ Skill, 19+ Stamina, good luck helps (for fights).
The Boat
- Take 2 Gold Pieces.
- Take Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Animal Wisdom.
- Stay quiet & ignore this (3 Damage).
- You have the Acute Hearing Skill (2 Damage).
- Passively suffer his beating (3 Damage).
- Attack the tentacle using the ball & chain as a weapon.
- Fight Sk 7 St 6 Tentacle.
o -3 Skill for duration of fight.
o Fight until you win or your Stamina is reduced to 3 or less.
- Drink the grog (+4 Stamina).
- Agree to the plan.
- You have the Blindsight Skill.
- Take 2 Food & 6 Gold Pieces.
The Warehouses
- You haven’t been in this district before.
- Apprehend the thief.
- You do not have the Tracking Skill.
- Take 4 Gold Pieces.
- Accept his offer.
- Take 4 Gold Pieces (+4 Stamina).
- Stay in this district.
- Add note: You have met Vesper.
- Agree to his plan (+2 Stamina).
- You have the Blindsight Skill.
- Take 240 Grammes of Saffron (+4 Stamina).
- Head for the markets to sell the saffron.
The Markets
- Take 15 Gold Pieces.
- Hang around in the Market district.
- This is the first time you have visited the Market district.
- You have the Animal Wisdom Skill.
- You want to buy it (-3 Gold Pieces).
- Take Silver Whistle (+1 Luck).
- Add note: You now have Jesper the mongoose with you.
- You have Jesper with you.
- Buy the eggs (-2 Gold Pieces).
- Take 10 Gold Pieces (+1 Notoriety).
Entertainer’s Square
- You have Jesper with you.
- Tell him he doesn’t have to do this.
- Take 5 Gold Pieces.
- Go to the shops for supplies.
- Visit the weapons store.
- Take Backpack & Waterskin (-2 Gold Pieces).
- Take Crossbow & 5 Bolts (-5 Gold Pieces, +1 Notoriety).
- Take Sword & Leather Armour (-13 Gold Pieces, +2 Notoriety).
- You want to do more shopping.
- Visit the stables & travel shop.
- Buy the camel.
- You have the Animal Wisdom Skill (-13 Gold Pieces).
- Add note: You now have a camel.
- Continue shopping.
- Visit Sukifiri’s Magic Shop.
- Take Potion of Stamina (-7 Gold Pieces. Restores ½ Stamina when used, +1 Notoriety).
- Go elsewhere.
- Visit the Old Quarter.
Old Quarter
- You haven’t been to the Old Quarter before.
- Try to stop the mule.
- You have the Animal Wisdom Skill.
- Test Skill+1.
o If fail:
o Give up trying to restrain the mule.
o Take 2 Gold Pieces.
o If succeed:
o Take 4 Gold Pieces.
- Visit Kanstrin’s Guursh Bar.
- Try to bribe your way in.
- Pay the bribe (-2 Gold Pieces).
- Leave & check the back of the building to see what the men are up to.
- Run up the stairs to attack.
- You have the Blindsight Skill.
- Fight Sk 8 St 7 Footpad.
- Do as the man tells you.
- Take 4 Gold Pieces.
- Talk with him.
- Take Potion of Healing (+5 Stamina when used).
- Take Bronze Bracelet.
- Head for the Gambling Hall.
- Head to the bar for some food & drink if you need it (-1 Gold, +4 Stamina).
- Sit down at a table & gamble.
- You have at least 3 Gold Pieces.
- Gamble with the Gnomes.
- Take 2 Gold Pieces.
- Refuse to do so.
- Fight Sk 6 St 6 Gnome & Sk 7 St 5 Gnome together.
- Take 5 Gold Pieces & 2 Magic Bolts (+1 Skill when used).
- You are too mean to pay this (-1 Food).
- Eat your other meal if you haven’t already (+4 Stamina if you do).
Leaving Preparations
- You are ready to leave the city.
- You have a Silver Whistle.
- You do not have a mark on your forehead.
- Your Notoriety is less than 8.
- You want to do some last minute shopping.
- Visit the food shops.
- Buy 20 Food (-10 Gold Pieces).
- Leave by turning to Para 388.
The Desert
- You have bought a camel (-2 Food).
- You have Jesper with you.
- Roll 2D6.
o On 2-9:
o Jasper kills the snake.
o On 10-12:
o You are riding a camel.
o You have the Animal Wisdom Skill.
- You have Jesper with you (-2 Food).
- Fight Sk 7 St 7 Mutant Orc.
o Fight until enemy’s Stamina is 2 or less.
- Kill the mutant.
- Lose D6/2 (round up) Food.
- You have a crossbow.
- Test Skill three times (-3 Bolts). If you succeed 2-3 times, you killed a deer for bragging rights (+3 Bolts). Otherwise you fail at life.
o If you killed a deer, you do not possess a lantern. The meat is useless to you (awkward fail).
- You do not have a Ring of Endurance (4 Damage). Eat a meal (+4 Stamina, -1 Food).
- You are riding a camel (-2 Food).
- You have a crossbow & bolts left.
- Fight Sk 8 St 10 Chaos Manticore.
- Take Silver Amulet ‘29’ Rays.
- Take 3 Gold Pieces.
- Eat enough meals to restore Stamina to full (-X Food).
- You can only take 12 Food with you.
- You do not have a Ring of Endurance (3 Damage).
- Try to find somewhere to sleep.
- You have Jesper with you (+4 Stamina).
- Leave for Kabesh at once.
- You have slept and rested in Rahasta.
- You do not have a Ring of Endurance (-4 Food, 3 Damage).
- You do not have a mark on your forehead.
- Add note: If you find the Golden Globe multiply enemy Skill & Stamina.
- Jesper is with you.
- Take 10 Food (+4 Stamina).
Ruins of Kabesh
- Go to Old Temple.
- Take one of the torches.
- Take Metal Torch.
- Leave and go elsewhere.
- Go to Ruined Senate House.
- Go straight into the building.
- Descend the stairs.
- You do not have a lantern.
- You have the Blindsight Skill.
- Stay & fight the scorpion.
- Fight Sk 7 St 8 Mutant Scorpion.
o If enemy hits, Roll D6. On 1-2, take 4 Damage instead of 2.
- You have the Blindsight Skill.
- Use clue with Globe (7*8=56). Turn to Para 56.
- Take Lantern, Rope, 6 Food (+1 Luck, +4 Stamina).
- Take Magic Sword (+1 to Skill in combat).
- Go to Mausoleum (2 Damage).
- Fight Sk 6 St 5 Skeleton & Sk 6 St 6 Skeleton together.
- You do not have an Iron Key.
- You do not have a forehead mark.
- Attack him.
- Fight Sk 10 St 15 Necromancer.
o I recommend using 2 luck points while fighting him.
o On first round, if enemy strikes you:
o -1 Skill for duration of fight.
o Each round, Roll D6. 1-3 = 1 Damage.
o If your Stamina is reduced to 4 or less:
o You have a Bronze Bracelet.
o Enemy takes 2 Damage.
o Sk 10 Ally fights in combat.
o If you win fight, drink from flask (+4 Stamina).
- Take Iron Key.
- Take The Three Hundred and Thirty Incantations of Ssassuzlit.
- Leave & go elsewhere in the ruins.
- Go to Warehouses (-1 Food).
- You have the Acute Hearing Skill.
- Test Skill -2. Fail = 3 Damage, -2 Skill & 1 Damage per round for next fight.
- Fight Sk 7 St 8 Chaos Mutant.
- Take a chance on searching here thoroughly.
- You do not have the Tracking Skill (3 Damage).
- Go down the steps.
- Move cautiously around the ledge to your right.
- Enter the room & eat some sludge (+6 Stamina).
- Take 2 Food.
- Backtrack round to the right side of the ledge.
- Attack the guard.
- Try to snatch the helm from his head.
- Test Skill + 2. Fail = 2 Damage.
o You can try three times total.
o If you grab the helm:
o Take Moon Sword (+1 Initial Skill, 3x D6+1 Stamina Charges. +2 Luck).
o If you fail three times:
o Fight Sk 8 St 10 Insane Warrior.
• -1 to your Skill for duration of fight.
- Head straight towards the portcullis.
- You have an Iron Key.
- Write down that you are holding the Metal Torch.
- You wrote down ‘metal torch’.
- You have a Silver Amulet. Turn to Para 29.
- Head for the door.
- Walk across & sit by him (+4 Stamina).
- Try to grab the mage’s ring.
- Test Skill + 2. If successful:
o Spend a few precious seconds putting on the ring.
o Take Shanzikuul’s Skill Ring (+2 Initial Skill).
o Add note: -2 to enemy’s Skill next combat.
- Run into the wall of bones (4 Damage).
- Test Luck. Fail = 3 Damage.
- Fight Sk 13 St 16 Shanzikuul.
o If you reduce enemy’s stamina to 2 or less:
o Roll one more time for attack strength.
• If you have the higher attack strength:
o You kill Shanzikuul.
• If enemy has the higher attack strength:
o Leaf through a magical book.
o 330/3 = 110. Turn to Para 110.
o Cast spell of fortifying (+10 Stamina, +2 Luck).
o Restore 6 Stamina to Shanzikuul.
o Fight Sk 13 St 7-8 Shanzikuul.
- You have 30 seconds to do things.
- If you do not possess Shanzikuul's Ring: Take Ring (+2 Initial Skill). 10 Seconds.
o Use Potion of Healing (+5 Stamina). 10 Seconds.
o Use Potion of Stamina (+1/2 Initial Stamina rounded up). 10 Seconds.
o Use Charges from Moon Sword (+2-7 Stamina per charge). 10 Seconds.
- Fight Sk 10 St 13 Dark Elf.
- You return the Staff of Power to the wizards and discuss your reward. You smile & stretch out in comfort, knowing that you have deserved it a hundred times over!