Mega Man Zero 4 Wiki

Zero (ゼロ) is the deuteragonist of the Mega Man X series, the main protagonist of the Mega Man Zero series, and also an important supporting character in the Mega Man ZX series as the Biometal Model Z. He is the successor of Bass and the greatest creation of Doctor Albert W. A high ranking.

Contents Summarymagnum opus, Zero was created to surpass and in every way and succeeded in that aspect. However, his cognitive programming had a fatal flaw that rendered him wild and uncontrollable, forcing Wily to seal Zero away along with the original Maverick Virus. Upon his discovery far in the future, Zero attacked dozens of Maverick Hunters before nearly defeating one-on-one and was only defeated after Sigma punched the gem on Zero's helmet after it began to glow with a 'W' shape. Afterward, both Zero and Sigma were infected with the Virus. However, while Sigma went rogue, Zero regained control of his cognitive circuits, later becoming a high-ranking Maverick Hunter and ironically enough the best friend of Dr. Light's ultimate creation,.Powers and Stats: 4-B 4-BName:: ZeroOrigin:Gender: MaleAge: Several hundred years old (Created at the end of the Classic continuity and survived to the Zero continuity 300 years later). Mid-late teens to early twenties in terms AI-wise.Classification: Maverick Hunter, Robot (Pre-Reploid automaton with free will)Powers and Abilities:, (Types 1, 2 and 3.

Can breathe underwater and in space), (Through the use of various Parts, Chips and Cyber Elves), (Can heal himself through various means, such as Subtanks, E-Cans, and Cyber Elves), (Can directly damage foes with 'Soul Energy' while using Sougenmu and Soul Launcher. Can grasp the souls of defeated opponents), (Can imbue his weapons with various elements as well as his own body in the Mega Man Zero era), (Can transform his Z-Saber into solid elements. Can create physical objects out of nothing. Can transform energy attacks into crystals and physical damage into weapon energy. Buster Shot: A blaster salvaged from a fallen soldier after reawakening, it has since been modified and upgraded to Zero's liking with the help of the Resistance.

As a result, it is able to have its functions modified by special chips Zero carries with him and can fire a limitless supply of solar rounds in a manner akin to his original Z-Buster. Of the techniques he utilizes with this weapon, the most notable include the Time Stopper (which freezes anyone hit in time), the Tractor Shot (which can absorb enemy projectiles along its flight path to gain power), and the Reflect Laser (which pierces virtually any target and reflects off walls and obstacles).

This article is about the video game series. For the first game in the series, see. For the character, see. Mega Man Zero,Platform(s),First releaseApril 26, 2002Latest releaseFebruary 25, 2020The Mega Man Zero series, known as Rockman Zero ( ロックマンゼロ, Rokkuman Zero) in Japan, is a series in 's franchise. It was developed by, with Co-Producer and Director Yoshinori Kawano.

The series consists of four games that were first released on the and later on the Nintendo DS and the Virtual Console (Wii U).The story plays a century after the storyline and follows the re-awakened, who is fighting in a war between humans and Reploids, self-aware, human-like robots who are oppressed and hunted down by mankind due to a worldwide energy shortage crisis. Together with the human scientist Ciel, Zero helps the Reploid resistance survive and fights against other Reploids sent by mankind to destroy them. However, this is only the setup for the story and events change drastically throughout the series. Contents.Gameplay Similar to the series, the Mega Man Zero series is a two-dimensional with elements that places a heavy emphasis on memorizing patterns and selecting the correct weapons to use against enemies.Unlike the previous series, the stages of are inside of areas that are part of a larger map, and the player can freely explore these areas once the respective mission(s) in each area is completed. However, and later entries removed this and returned to the traditional Mega Man format that allowed the player to select a mission from a stage select screen. The game mechanics slightly change with every entry of the series.

Zero is given a variety of weapons to use and can level them up to unlock new abilities, although this was removed from and onward as the abilities become accessible from the start of the game.A new entry in the series was the Score and Level System, which gives the player a score out of 100 and its corresponding level depending on how well they performed on each mission. The series also introduces the Cyber-Elf system, which allows Zero to equip small helper beings known as ' to assist him in combat. After feeding them with a certain amount of E-Crystals that are dropped by enemies, the elves can either provide permanent enhancements—such as increasing Zero's maximum health capacity, or grant temporary benefits—such as the ability to deflect bullets for a short time. However, the score at the end of each mission will decrease for every Cyber-Elf used.Finally, Zero's weapons receive enhancements in every game except Mega Man Zero 4.

Acting like a rock-paper-scissors system, Zero gains three element chips (Fire, Ice, Thunder) that can be attached to all his weapons and changed freely. Doing so adds elemental effects to his charge attacks and inflict higher damage to bosses weak to the selected element, or no damage if they are immune to it.

Plot. Main article:A century after disappearing at the end of the Mega Man X series, is found and awakened by Ciel, a human scientist. Zero, unsure of who he is due to temporary memory loss, Zero protects Ciel and her band of Reploids from a group sent out to destroy them.During the events of the game, as Zero fights off several attempts to destroy the remaining Reploids, it is unveiled what happened during his 100-year absence: After the Maverick War that took place during the series - where humans were being purged by malevolent Reploids, known as Mavericks - drew to a close with the Mavericks suffering total defeat, humans and Reploids were able to live in harmony in a utopian state known as Neo Arcadia. Unfortunately, this peace was short-lived due to the energy shortage crisis which led to the murdering of countless innocent Reploids to reduce energy consumption. Ciel thus banded with the Reploids and founded the Resistance. It is also revealed that a copy of Mega Man X - Zero's former ally and best friend - is the leader of Neo Arcadia and the mastermind behind the Reploid genocide.After defeating the Four Guardians - Copy X's right-hand generals - Zero eventually confronts Copy X and defeats him in battle.

While dying, Copy X self-destructs and Zero barely manages to escape. He then finds himself in an endless desert, surrounded by Neo Arcadian troops.Mega Man Zero 2. Main article:Set one year after the events of the first game, it is revealed that Zero has been hunted down by Neo Arcadian forces in the desert the whole time. After defeating yet another group of Neo Arcadian forces, Zero finally collapses due to exhaustion. However, because of unknown reasons, he is rescued by Harpuia, one of Four Guardians and now leader of Neo Arcadia. Although they are enemies, Harpuia brings Zero to a location near the Resistance Base, where he is eventually found by the Resistance members and repaired by Ciel.While Ciel tries to develop a new energy source to end the war, the new leader of the Resistance, Elpizo, instead prepares for a head-on invasion on Neo Arcadia. The invasion results in total failure, with Elpizo being the only survivor.

Frustrated by his powerlessness, he leaves the Resistance to search for the Dark Elf, a powerful, malevolent Cyber-Elf that brought unparalleled destruction to Earth during the Elf Wars - an event that happened during Zero's 100-year absence.Elpizo eventually revives the Dark Elf by finding and destroying the original Mega Man X's physical body, which acted as a seal to keep the Dark Elf contained. Elpizo absorbs the Dark Elf to obtain a colossal amount of power but is narrowly defeated by Zero. The game ends with the Dark Elf escaping and the original X — now a Cyber-Elf — telling Zero that the Dark Elf was once known as the Mother Elf, whose original purpose was to cure the Maverick Virus — which turned Reploids into Mavericks — in order to end the Maverick War during the series.Mega Man Zero 3.

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Main article:Two months have passed since Elpizo's defeat, with the Dark Elf's location still unknown. During this time, Ciel has finished her research on a new energy supply that allowed virtually unlimited energy generation, which was dubbed the 'Ciel System'. While en route to Neo Arcadia to propose the Ciel System in hopes of making peace as there would no longer be a reason to continue the genocide on the Reploids, a large spaceship with the Dark Elf's energy reading crashes to Earth.Zero is sent out to investigate and find out more about the energy reading, but instead, finds the remaining three Four Guardians fighting against a gigantic Reploid named Omega and encounters an accompanying scientist named Dr.

Weil — both who were banished to space for life due to their crimes in instigating the Elf Wars by corrupting the Mother Elf into the Dark Elf. Dr Weil then reveals that he had resurrected Copy X, who then resumes his reign in Neo Arcadia and forces the Four Guardians to submit to Dr Weil's will and subsequently demotes them.

The Four Guardians, suspecting that Copy X is being heavily influenced by Weil, leave the Neo Arcadian army.The Dark Elf soon reappears in a human residential district in Neo Arcadia. Wishing to capture it, Dr. Weil and Copy X authorise a missile to be launched at the district to incapacitate the Dark Elf. Although successful in capturing the Dark Elf, the missile attack causes thousands of innocent human casualties. Following this nefarious event, Ciel rescinds her offer to propose the Ciel System, leading Dr. Weil and Copy X to brand the Resistance as Mavericks and subsequently launch an all-out invasion against the Resistance.

The Resistance is able to delay the invasion until Zero reaches Copy X and kills him once more, thus making the invasion lose steam. Weil then succeeds Copy X as the new ruler of Neo Arcadia and announces his true intention for capturing the Dark Elf, which is to fuse the Dark Elf with Omega and link them with a colossal frequency transmitter that would enable Omega to control the minds of every Reploid on Earth. Weil justifies this as vengeance against both humanity and Reploids for his exile in space.Zero eventually confronts and kills Omega in two different forms, but Omega then reveals his true form — a body that looks exactly like Zero. Weil appears in the background and reveals that while Zero was powered down during his 100-year hibernation, he had transferred Zero's conscience and memories to a copy body and then stole Zero's original body to be used by Omega due to its unmatched fighting abilities.

Despite the revelation of this fact, Zero, with assistance from the Four Guardians, destroys his original body and kills Omega for good. Omega's death results in a large explosion, which releases the Dark Elf from Omega and frees it from Weil's corruption. X tells the truth about Zero and his body to the Resistance before disappearing forever. The Dark Elf, now known as the Mother Elf once more, brings Zero back to the Resistance Base, before it too disappears, ending the game.Mega Man Zero 4. Main article:Despite Omega being destroyed, Weil continued his revenge on humans and Reploids alike and assumed a dictatorial reign over Neo Arcadia and stripped much of its citizens' rights, leading many humans to flee and start their own settlements.


In response, Weil labelled the escapees as Mavericks and began to purge them just like the Reploids.The game starts with Zero, Ciel, and the Resistance members encountering a group of humans fleeing from Weil's forces. Zero protects the humans, who then reveal to the Resistance that they are headed towards a large, nature-filled settlement in Area Zero, the location where the Eurasia colony crashed during the events of more than 200 years ago.The large population of settlements like Area Zero attracts Weil's attention, who reveals a plan to use a meteor-sized space cannon called Ragnarok to vaporise all nature and make Neo Arcadia the only habitable location on Earth, which would force people to stay under his tyrannical rule.

Zero eventually makes his way towards Ragnarok and defeats Weil, but not before Weil programs Ragnarok to crash into Area Zero in an attempt to cause immense destruction on Earth.Knowing that there is only one option to save the Earth, Zero rejects Ciel's plea to transfer out of Ragnarok and back to the Resistance Base and sacrifices his life to destroy Ragnarok's core before it crashes to Earth. Ciel, watching the pieces of Ragnarok fall to Earth, promises to recreate the Earth as a better place where there will once again be peace between Reploids and humans. The series ends with an image of Zero's shattered helmet on the ground along with Ragnarok's debris.Content editing. Introduction scenes from Japanese version (left) and North American/European version (right).

In the non-Japanese release of 'Mega Man Zero' and 'Mega Man Zero Collection', this scene doesn't have blood-like oil spurting out.In the original Japanese version, robot characters that were wounded by being cut in half or sliced up would spurt oil. Due to the oil's resemblance to blood, much of this was removed in the North American and European versions ( Mega Man Zero) to obtain an E rating for the game; similarly, this blood-like oil appeared in the animated cutscenes of Mega Man X4 a few years earlier, though the game still received an E rating (then known as K-A at the time). This section does not any.

Unsourced material may be challenged and.Find sources: – ( July 2016) A manga series was authored by Hideto Kajima and serialised in in 2003. However, the series diverges greatly from the video-game series in terms of storyline and tone. Whereas the video-games are always dark and serious, the manga is light-hearted and comical. Zero and Ciel in particular experience greatly altered personalities. Ciel is much more dominating and callous than her video-game persona, while Zero now experiences a sort of disorder: typically, he is weak, frail, and cowardly (indicated by a lack of a helmet), but when danger arises, his helmet appears and he transforms into the powerful, brave, and more serious 'Rockman Zero'.

How Is AMPS Used?In use by major Fortune 500 companies, AMPS drives the most data-intensive mission-critical applications such as trading desks, analytic grids, reporting applications, view servers, workload management, and more.What these applications have in common is a need for reliable high-volume, low-latency messaging with advanced features that go beyond simple pub-sub or point-to-point messaging. AMPS makes it easy to build applications that provide the lowest levels of latency and highest overall throughput by providing built-in features such as historical replay, a real-time database with continuous queries and aggregation, focus tracking, incremental message updates and other advanced features that typically require extensive custom processing in your application.You don't have to be a performance guru to make these systems sing. Cranked up to be. You just have to crank up the AMPS.

This usually occurs to protect Lito, a young boy who accompanies Zero throughout the manga. The series was collected into three.Notes.

Retrieved May 27, 2011. Megaman Zero Collection Manual, Capcom. Retrieved 9/10/2014.

March 26, 2002. Retrieved January 27, 2007. Craig Harris (2002-09-23). Retrieved 2007-01-27. Retrieved 2008-04-10.

jgonzo (8 June 2010). Capcom Unity. Capcom Entertainment. Retrieved 15 June 2010. Capcom Entertainment.

Archived from on 24 May 2010. Retrieved 15 June 2010. RawmeatCowboy (28 May 2010). Retrieved 15 June 2010. Capcom Europe. Capcom Entertainment. Archived from on 23 February 2010.

Retrieved 15 June 2010. ^ Jeremy Parish (8 June 2010).

UGO Entertainment. Otherwise, it's more or less four GBA games running in a DS wrapper: No new graphics or sound, no relocalization to restore the missing blood and goofy typos in the U.S., not even an expansion of the screen boundaries to take advantage of the DS's slight resolution advantage over the GBA. Jonathan Holmes (10 June 2010). Retrieved 15 June 2010. First, you get some additional art. And all of which is viewable in gallery mode. (.) The second new feature is the option to map 'L' and 'R' button moves to the 'X' and 'Y' face buttons.

^. Capcom Entertainment. Retrieved 15 June 2010.