Sol 705 Walkthrough
DemiKids: Light Version - Walkthrough - DemiKids: Light Version Guide // Version 1.00 -bcherone@comcast.netCopyright 2003 Brad CheroneIf you see anything wrong (inaccurate information, grammar suggestions, etc) orwant to add your input, strategies or anything of value, feel free to email me.I encourage you to. The more information you send, the better the FAQ.
Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment Soldiers’ Guide for Field Maintenance Operations.Department of the Army Pamphlet 750–3 H i s t o r y. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r revision. This pamphlet describes pro-cedures for field maintenance operations. This pamphlet applies to. What about looking upside down the SOL and LEO words? It would make 705 and 037 So, the code is 705037. You'll now get the L-card,.
You willalso get a shout out in my credits section:)Contents1. We Meet Our Heroesii. Your Quest Beginsiii. Time Tower to Hermitiv. Saving Judy on the Way to Rebel's Lairv.
Rebel's Lairvi. To Hydraville We Govii. The Limbo Keyx. To Inferno Pitxi. Back to Remxii. To Dark Palacexiv.
In Search of the Letterxv. Sincerly, Lord Lightxvi. Meeting Up With Akiraxvii.
The Final Encounter3. Game Basicsi. Demon Type Creationii. Relic Fusing5. Side Questsi.
Wartak the Demonary Masterii. Panda jump seasons movie. Vine Centervi. Blocked Paths6. Special ThanksIntroductionThe year is 200X.
Jin (main character of Light Version), Akira (main characterof Dark Version), and Lena are 6th grade friends who have grown up together.They are also members of the 'Mystery Club' which searches for interesting andmysterious things. While snooping around the school's library, they happen upona mysterious book containing various spells and incantations. Curiosityoverwhelms the group as they decide to carry out a summoning ritual, unpreparedfor the consequences. To their surprise, an evil demon appears and their onlyhope comes from a peculiar new student, Amy, who gives Jin and Akira the powerto capture and summon demons by way of the gun-like Demolyzer. They are alsojoined by Rand and Gale, guardian demons sent to protect them.Meanwhile, a time rift appears outside the school, and a strange phenomenonoccurs. The flow of time has been disrupted, and the events in their world arelocked in a recurring loop.
Every time the main character tries to leave school,time reverts back to when school was dismissed. However, Jin, Akira, Lena, andAmy are the only ones who recognize the bizarre circumstances. The otherstudents go about their business as if nothing's happened. Trapped in a timeloop, the main characters begin to wonder what will become of the future.Unexpectedly, Amy reveals that she has come from another dimension, Valhalla, tofind a savior from this world. She insists that this mysterious phenomenonsignifies a terrible turn of events in Valhalla. Jin, Lena, and Amy go throughthe 'Door of Time' to the world of Valhalla. In this world, demons and angelsbrandish their powers under the emperor while humans are oppressed.
Jin, Lena,and Amy team up with the DemiKids of Valhalla to fight as rebels against theemperor's army.Source: rest of the FAQ has spoilers in it. You have been warned.We Meet Our HeroesAs soon as you actually get control of you character, Jin, you end up in battleagainst Asmodeus, Tior and Puritus. Your two demons on your side are Karfu andCherubim and Kyra.
The battle is pretty easy, given that it is the first one inthe game! Pretty much just continue attacking the opposing demons until theydie. If you need to, Cherubim can heal, and you have a recovery as well. Afteryou conquer the enemy, your good friend will arrive and will tell you somethingshe found out.
You will be dragged to school.Your Quest BeginsHead right and then up to the first door, where another scene will begin.Apparently, Lena has stumbled onto a book about demons in the library whilelooking for a different one. Soon enough, a girl introduced as Amy appears.After a little chit-chat, she joins your gang. After the dialogue is complete,go right to the far door and enter it.Head to the right where the two girls are looking at books. Talk to Lena.
Thebook is gone! After the dialogue, Lena gives you a shot to find the book. Lookin the right most bookshelf on the top screen to activate another dialogue. Jincannot find the book either! Here comes Akira to the rescue!
After you gaincontrol of Jin again, head left and talk to Akira. He will eventually find thebook. Watch the next cut scene where the gang summons a demon. After the hugefiasco, use the Demiloc to summon Rand. A battle ensues. You will defeat theGargoyle with ease.After the battle, the Gargoyle speaks of some kind of Time Rift that has beenopened. Amy will explain what is going on after the Gargoyle disappears, andthen rush outside in horror.
Your new companion Rand will now bring his friendsinto the fray. After Rand explains a couple of things to you, leave the libraryand head left where everyone is standing around.
Head over to where Lena and Amyare to start yet another dialogue.The story beings to unfold and you now pretty much know the ultimate goal. Tomake sure that the future is going to stay! You enter the time rift and you goback in time.
After a short speech, Amy tells all to go to the rooftop. Head upand go up the stairs. In the next room, continue up the stairs and onto theroof. Go and talk to the Lena to the right.
Select to go into the room.A familiar face appears from the introduction. The story continues to unfoldsome more and you are automatically transported to Valhalla.Time Tower to HermitThe demon on the right will let your demons rest and heal up. The guy on theleft has some stuff that you can do, like taking his quiz. You can get a lot ofdemons if you know the answers to his questions. Head down the stairs. The demonwith the green thing on his head will revive your demons if they are knockedout. Go to the right of this level to open two chests for a Revive Orb and anEnergy Pill.
Head back to the left and down the hallway for some more storytelling fun. Apparently you were knocked out during the transfer. Their gangleaves and they want you to meet them in Lair.Head down some stairs and exit to the outside through the hallway. Head down andfollow the path. In the next area, you can head left a little bit, and then jumpto a floating island. Grab the chest for a Revive Orb and jump up. Continue leftand up to enter into a new area.Saving Judy on the way to the Rebel's LairThis is the town of Hermit.
You can heal your demons in the tent if you want.Head up the stairs and right. Go all the way right and talk to the two demonsthere. Head left and enter the brown tent. Go up to the bookcase and grab theSpeed Gum.
See that plant pot to the right of the bookcase? Interact with thepot to uncover Judy. She will tell you of a Lair to the west. After you gaincontrol of Jin, talk to her again.
She will be taken off by some guards. Followthem outside to hear Judy screaming. Go right and talk to the remaining demon.Tell him 'Of course I am!' He will teleport out of there and to Foggy Marsh.Head left and talk to the demons. Tell them to 'Let her go!' To initiate abattle.You will face off with a Yeti and two Mariners. All of them will heal each otherwhen they are low on energy, so you better have some good fusion going on.
Afteryou kill off the three of those, Kyme will appear. When he gets low on health,he will also heal himself. Continuing blasting him until you win the battle.After you win the battle, you will get another dialogue.
The people you justfought will disappear, and Judy will speak to you. After she leaves, follow herwest.Continue left and go down the stairs. Follow the path until it goes down andcurves right. Head left through the opening to reach a chest with a 1000 Meccainside. Go back to the path and continue along it and into the next screen.
Godown the path a little bit and to the right is a chest. Open it for an AttackGum. Head straight left and walk along the dirty liquid until you reach afamiliar face. Ludra will join your party! Go back to the path and head down.When it turns left, go right to open a chest with a Kirin's Horn inside.
Headback to the path and follow it until you reach the Lair.Go ahead and talk to the people in this area, and when you are done, go to thewaterfall in the middle and up into the cave.Rebel's LairGrab the chest to the north that contains an Energy Pill. You can rest or reviveyour demons in the first door on the left, as well as leave a demon there to betrained. When you are ready to continue, go up the stairs to the right and intothe up top. Talk to Lena who is with Amy on the right side of the room. Afteryou learn of the Time Chains, head left.
Go up the stairs and into the room.After the dialogue, grab the chests for a Revive Orb, an Angel Wing, and aDredfang. Talk to the demon in the middle of the row of three to the north. Makesure you are below him, or else he will not fight you. You will have to face twoIce Babys, and a Krane. It is a pretty easy battle.
Just continue hitting eachof them until they are done for. After that, you will have to fight anotherbattle against two Ice Babys and an Arakneus.
The Arakneus will try to make yousnooze. Other then that, nothing to worry about.
Now you'll have to face offagainst a Windlord, and Unicorn. I beat them before they even got off an attack,as they just kept powering themselves up. After this victory, you will be giventhe Kingloc, which lets you have three demons fighting at once. Drail, theleader of the Rebels, enters after the battle.To Hydraville We GoTime to go to Hydraville. Head back to Hermit using a teleport or walking backthe way you came.
When you reach Hermit, go to the north part of town. The onceblocked exit is now open, so go through it and begin the trek to Hydraville.Head left to the as far as you can go. Go up the stairs and head up. Go down thestairs and open the chest for an Angel Wing. Go up the two sets of stairs to thenorth. Head left and into the next area. Continue left and follow the path.
Godown the stairs and continue following the path. When you can break off and goleft, do so. Grab the chest for a Voodoo Doll and head south.
Jump to the lowerlevel and grab the chest for a Mana Juice. Jump back up and go back to the pathand follow it into the next screen.HydravilleHead up the left stairs and go all the way to the MH building. Go to the upperright hand corner and go down the stairs. Head to the lower left corner andcheck the bookcase for a Speed Gum.
Exit the house and head to the upper rightcorner of town. Enter the farthest northeast building. Talk to everyone in here,including Amy and Drail.
Exit the house and enter the building that is to theleft of it. Talk to the person playing the piano, Naomi.After your crew comes in and chats with you, go back into the house that you metDrail in, and talk to him after you gain control of Jin again. Of course you getto do all the dirty, so exit and head to the mine that is left of the twobuildings.The Limbo KeyFollow the path until an off path goes to the left. Take that off path and enterthe hole in the wall for some goodies, which includes Guard Gum, Magic Gum, anda Fist Relic. Head back to the main hallway in the previous room. Continue upuntil a fork in the road. Take the left path to enter into a room with some morechests containing a Revive Orb and Resist Gum.
Exit and go back to the fork inthe road. Go straight up into the light where another room will be. Grab thechests for a Gale Bag, and a battle with some demons. After the battle exit.Take the right path where you will encounter another fork in the road. Take thenorth path to enter a room with a lone miner and his chest companion.
Grab thechest for a Mana Snake. Exit the room and make your way back to the fork. Thistime, take the right path and follow it into an entrance into another room. Headto the top of the room, where Bul is standing in the doorway. He will give you aHex Relic for your trouble and tell you where the key is, which is in the handsof Melkli Teleport back to Hydraville.Remember when you went downstairs and got the Angel Wing from the bookcase inthe house in the North West part of town?
Go there and talk to the guy standingnext to the bed. The Limbo Key is yours! Judy rushes in with a soldier and tellsyou that Shin was ambushed in Inferno Pit.To Inferno PitI suggest you teleport back to Hermit and exit to the north of it. Head up twosets of stairs to the north, to where the sign is.
You must now go west to reachInferno Pit. Do so and you will end up in another screen. Continue right and goup the stairs. You can go up and left to grab a chest containing a Snow Comb.Head back to the stairs and instead of going left, go right.
Follow the pathuntil you reach a group of people. Grab the chest below them for a Smoke Bomb,and then talk to Judy.You will learn that you are close to where Shin and Lena were ambushed, and thatthey are now captured. Apparently there is a spy in the Rebel's group becausethe Imperium knew exactly where to be. Go up the stairs to the right of thegroup and head right into a new screen. Go down the stairs and talk to the groupof Imperium soldiers.You will now have to fight a group of three Sea Rams. The key to winning is tomake sure that you have a healer in your group. They will continue to just beaton you until you are all dead, without any magic coming out.
After the battle,you will learn where Lena is being kept, in Limbo.Go down the stairs and go slightly right. You can go up and jump to an island toreach a chest that has a Troll Seed inside. Go back to the main path and headright again, where you can repeat what you just did for a Revive Gem. Go back tothe main path and head right. Go up the two long sets of stairs and head rightinto the next screen.
Go right and up the stairs where you will have anotherbattle.You will have to fight two Irontaur's. The main thing you got to be scared of istheir lightning attack, which they will use a couple of times. It was the mainkiller of my group. After they stop using it they get really easy. Just watchyour health.After the battle, head right and go down another set of stairs. Grab the chestthat is south to you for a Mana Sundae.
Head to the right where another set ofstairs is waiting for you. Walk up and into the next screen. Go up the stairsand head right. After the screen change, go down and right. Ignore the stairsfor now. Grab the two chests for a Demonitonic, and a Male Talk.
Go back to thestairs you ignored and go up them. Watch the dialogue where you will be insertedinto a battle immediately.You will have to face a couple of Irontaurs and a Sea Ram.
You should have noproblem with any of them if you are leveled up appropriately. After you defeatthe opposition, they will disappear. Step forward and you will be captured andsent to prison.
Rest and heal your demons if you need to. Go down and unlock thedoor with the Limbo Key. Exit the cell after Rand increases in rank. Go down andexit this room.Go up the many stairs to the right and enter the next screen. Head to the farleft, where there are some stairs you can go down. Go down them all the way andpick up the chest for a Holy Orb.
Go back up the stairs you just came down, andhead right. Go up the staircase in the middle to watch a scene.
After you gaincontrol of Jin again, head to the left and go down. Grab the chest containing aRevive Orb inside. Head over to where Lena is and spark up a conversation.You will now have to fight Andromus. I think his weakness is wind. Just keeppounding him with a wind elemental magic if you have it, or continue to poundhim while someone heals whoever gets low on health. He can take quite a chunkout of you at one time, hitting you a couple of times in one turn.You will learn that you cannot go after Lena yet. Rand stops you and makes youturn around to look for the Time Chains.
Head up the stairs that are directly toyour North. In the next room, head up to open a chest containing a Speed Gum.Move back down the stairs and go to the right to open up a chest that has a SnowComb inside. Continue up and go down the stairs at the top of the area.Head all the way left and go north along the path.
Enter the next area. Unlockthe cell and talk to the man in there. He tells you he has some Time Chains andfound them in Elysium. Go back to where Lena was taken away and go to the paththat you can now take to the south. Head back to Hydraville to see Amy. She isin Drail's room looking out the window.
It seems like Lena was taken to seeImperius, and you are going to have to head to head with him. Before you dothat, you will have to go back to your world and find the Powers of Light andDark, while closing up Time Rifts along the way.Back to RemHead back to Time Tower and make your way to the top of it. Head to the rightand enter the red door. Go right to grab the chest containing a TimeEdge Map.Make your way north and enter the only blue door that is not blocked.
Follow thepath to enter a dimensional warp to go back to Rem.In Rem, you are now on top of the school where you first started. Exit this roomand go left down the stairs. Continuing down the starts, making your way to thefirst Time Rift you encountered. Use a Time Chain on the Time Rift to close it.Exit to the south to make your first steps into Rem. Go south along the tiledpath. You will now exit into the city part of Rem.Continue south to reach another Time Rift. Close it with a Time Chain.
Headright along the road. You can go down the stairs into a place where you can buya map of Rem as well as let your demons restOtherwise, go south along the roadto the very end. Go right and enter the park. Use a Time Chain on the Time Riftto close it. Continue right to start a dialogue.Well, now we know who the traitor is, Drail.
The story unfolds a little more andyou find out that Imperius wants your world gone so the Powers of Light and Darkare also gone. After the chat, you will now begin a battle.You will have tofight a Glasyabo, and a Speedy. They do not really haveanything outstanding about them, so it should be a pretty easy fight if yourdemons are leveled up well.To the Dark PalaceTo reach Dem, you must go back to your school and to the top floor. The gate toDem is in the same room as the gate to the Time Tower. Enter the gate and thesound of pure happiness shall enter your ears.
Exit the room and head outside,where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty.Make your way down the giant steps and into Hueyville. You can buy some itemsand rest your demons before continuing if you want. Go to the down left part ofthe town and exit into the wild.Follow the path and into another screen. Continue follow the path until youreach an intersection. Head left, where a two chests containing a Guard Gum andan Attack Gum.
Continue follow the path and you can go either way when you reachthe intersection. When there is a path that breaks off from the main one, followit to enter the Galin Plains.Follow the path to the left until you will reach the Time Rift. Close it with aTime Chain to continue your game. Cross the bridge to enter the next screen.When you leave the bridge, go north to open two chests containing a Holy Orb anda Speed Gum.
Make your way left where you will encounter another Time Rift. Goahead and use a Time Chain on it. Grab the chest containing a FEM Talk and headback to the main path.Follow the path to the South West, crossing the bridge to enter Center Town. Youmight as well rest up and check out the casino if you want to take a break.After you are done doing whatever, head to the center north part of town and goup the bridge to enter Heldun Flats.Follow the path to the right up north. When you can, head left and open thechest for a Luck Gum. Go back to the path; continue north and into the nextscreen. Take the right path and head right.
Open the chest at the end for a SlimRelic. Continue north along the path until you reach a crossroads. Take the leftpath to reach a chest containing a Holy Orb. Go back to the path and finish thisscreen by heading north.Head up and into the Dark Palace.Dark PalaceHead up and go right or left up the stairs. Make your way to the top and gothrough the doorway. Go into the gate to the north to reach Forlo. After hestops blabbing about taking over Dem, go up and talk to him.
After he tells youthat the answer you require is in the Orgel Room, go around his throne and intothe next room. Enter the gate to arrive there.Enter the door to the north and continue going up. Enter the next door in theway to arrive inside another building.
Go up and up the left stairs when you areable to. Grab the chest for a DRGN Talk. Go right and enter the door to arriveat the Orgel Room. After you learn of your next quest, exit the room and watchRand change once again.Teleport to Hueyville and enter the gate to go back to the top of your school.Enter the gate to Time Tower and exit the room you appear in. Take the blue doorthat is directly to your left. Enter the gate to arrive at Dem's future.
Exitthrough the gate. Grab the chests for a Hex Relic, and a DemFutureMap.
Do notgrab the chest that is on the level with everyone else, unless you want a battlewith four demons. Make your way to the top of the room to enter a door.Go up and enter the gate. Continue your way up and enter the door to reachLucifer's tomb room. Go up to the tomb of Lucifer, which is the red thronelooking thing, and interact with it.
You now have to the Lucifer Gem. Head downand go right. Follow the path up to reach a chest with a Luck Gem inside.Continue along the path until you reach a mound of brown stuff. It is dirt, andinside lays a Slim Relic. Follow the path some more until you reach a set ofstairs. Go up the stairs and grab the chest for a Bank Boost.
Exit down thestairs and make your way to the entrance to the door. Before you exit, go leftand grab the chest for an Argos Soul.Head back to the Dark Palace in the present. To do this, you have to go back tothe gate to Time Tower, take the right blue door, enter the gate, take the gateto Dem, teleport to Center Town, and then make your way to the Dark Palace.
Headto the Orgel Room and talk to the green demon, Urd. Select the 'Send me there'option to get sent to when Lucifer was slain. Watch the story unfold some moreand get ready to battle.The next battle is against a Hydra, a Tiamat, and a Harpy. If you are leveled upgood, you should have no problem except the normal ones, so keep your demonshealed!
After you defeat Shin and Drail, Forlo will now get furious and fightyou. After you defeat him, Lucifer will thank you. He will give you your nextquest, so head back to Center Town and exit to the west, which was previouslyblocked by a guard.In Search of the LetterGrab the chest containing an Angel Wing.
You can go follow the path or head leftthrough tree lined path that is kind of hidden. Do either and exit into thesnowy screen.Follow the path left and up right. When it opens up a bit, head left to grab thechest containing a Bird Talk. Continue left to go to another screen. Keepfollowing the icy path, ignoring the snowy bridge that crosses it for now. Youwill now enter Frostville.Go to the well in the middle to grab an Energy Cube. Go left and up into thebuilding next to the Shop.
Search the right bookcase for a Gum.Exit the building and Frostville through the north exit. There is a Time Rift inhere that will give you access to a Pheromix+ if you want to do that. Otherwise,from the entrance, go left and up the stairs.
Follow the path to the Ice Temple.Go up the stairs into the Ice Temple and continue going north. Enter the nextscreen and go up some more. You can talk to the Ice King if you want, or takethe left or right paths to a set of stairs which lead down.Follow the path to another set of stairs and take them down. Continue along thehall, ignoring the Time Rift. Make a left and then go up where a set of threechests are. They contain demons, an Energy Cube, and Magic Gum, from left toright. Go down the stairs and get ready to slip and slide.Skate your way to the lower right hand corner of the room, where a chestcontaining a Resist Gum is.
Slide diagonally to the center, where a chestcontaining 2000 Mecca is. Now, slide up and into a room where you can enter thedoor to a back room.You can use a Time Chain on the Rift for some chests that have Dredfang, andPower Burger inside. If you do not want to, continue along the path and into thenext room. Talk to the man guarding the stairs, who is Drail.
Jin will confrontthat dirty, backstabbing Drail, and Shin will come in and dispose of him. Shinwill tell you that Lena was executed before Imperius. SHE MUST NOT DIE INVAIIIIN!!! Follow Shin into the gate, which brings you back to the Time Tower.Go down the stairs and head right to talk to Amy, who is sad to hear Lena isdone for. A demon interrupts you, and tells you that the final door is open.
Goright and enter the left blue door to go to Dem's past.Head left and go up into the next room. Be a peeping tom and listen to theconversation between Lucifer and Lord Light. After the two disappear, head upand open the chests containing a Time Key and a letter for Lucifer. You knowwhat to do now, head back to the present and to the Dark Palace where Luciferawaits! Well, before you go back to the present, go open the three chests in theprevious room for an Alarm, DemPast Map, and an Ice Ring. The chests are in thebottom left and bottom right parts of the room. Now head off to the Dark Palace.To do so, enter the gate and exit the room.
Go to the right blue door and enterit. You should be at your school. Enter the other gate and enter in Dem. Exitthe room and teleport to Center Town. You should know the rest of the way.Sincerely, Lord LightLucifer will be waiting for you.
Give him the letter, and he will tell you thatthere is something waiting for you in Lord Light's temple. Head back to CenterTown and exit to the south.In this area, there are a lot of coin-looking things on the ground.
They lead toand underground area, where you can open up different paths with Time Chains andget groovy items.If you want to continue the story instead of grabbing items (which I recommend)follow the path and you will enter a sandy area. There are conveyer belt-likesand things that make it so you can only travel certain ways. Go down and go onthe south-bound conveyer belt. Take the top conveyer belt to reach a chestcontaining a Snow Comb. Go back to where you came from and take the bottomconveyer belt, where you can open up a chest containing a Magic Gum. You canalso close the Time Rift and get a Nemea Soul.Go left and follow the wall.
You will reach a conveyer belt going up. Take itand go left into the nest screen. There is pretty much only one way to go inthis area, so travel along the conveyer belts until you reach another screeninto Nobleville. There is an Angel Wing and a Guard Gum in two different chestsalong the way.Move into the first building along the top wall. Search the bookcase on theright wall for an Angel Wing.
Exit the building and continue moving on. Pass allthe buildings and follow the path all the way to the end, ignoring the exit tothe south. Enter the building at the very end and search the barrels for a GuardGum.
Exit and go to the exit you ignored just a few seconds ago.Go down the path and if you want, you can make a u-turn once you pass the rocksand close the Time Rift for a Gembu Soul, and a 1st Strike. After that go aheadand head south into Howling.
You can shop in here if you want, but other thenthat there is nothing else to do in here except head south into Light Path.Follow the path. Grab the Gaia's Ring from the chest on the path as you go byit. Enter the next screen, where a Thunder Ring is awaiting the chest on the wayto the Light Temple. Grab it and continue into the Light Temple.
Go all the wayto the temple's entrance, but before you go in, check each side of the templefor a Seryu Soul and a Holy Symbol. Now enter the temple.Quickly go through the next room and up into a bigger room. Things should belooking familiar. Head to the top left corner to grab an Attack Gum and a HaloRing. Go to the top right corner for a DRGN Talk+ and a Holy Orb. Now you areready to enter the room to the north.
You've been here before obviously sincethe other treasure chest is opened just like you opened before. Open the otherchest for a letter from Lord Light. You will also grab the Testament from thechest.Before you can do anything, Bifronz enters from the south. Time to battle him.After you defeat him, try and go down the stairs, but Rand will stop you.
Yourguide will now transform. Exit to the south and head back to the Dark Palacewhere Lucifer knows what to do.Meeting Up With AkiraThe clue that Lucifer gives you is that he is at the place where Light and Darkfirst met. Head to the top of Time Tower, and talk to Shin. Looks like Amy madea boo-boo. Anyways, Shin will tell you that Akira is in Elysium.
Time to gothere! Make your way to Hydraville, and exit to the south.Head down and make your way around the hole in the ground to the left side.Enter into the next screen and into Jude Plains. Go left and north around thehole. Grab the Speed Gum from the chest and continue along the path. Go up somestairs and then left, up some more stairs to enter Mount Falos.Go up and to the right. Grab the chest for a Holy Orb.
There is also a chesthidden right above where you are, grab it for a Magic Gum. Go back left and upsome stairs. Continue right and dig for the Wing Relic where the mound of dirtis.
Go up two sets of stairs and head left. Grab the chest for a Speed Gum. Goback right and enter Elysium through the path.Make your way to the very top where an icy castle resides.
Head to the top andenter a gate for a cut scene. Akira will enter through the south and you will begiven a good pep talk. Apparently, Akira and Jin do not see that Lord Light andDarkLord entered and spoke. Time to head to Imperius' castle.The Final EncounterExit the temple and go south to Mount Falos. Continue down the path and to theJude Plains. Go down a set of stairs and head right. Take the first set ofstairs down and follow the path into Avalon.
Head to the west of Avalon whereyou will enter the accurately-named Rainy Woods.Follow the path and take the south path when you reach a fork. Open the chestfor a Guard Gum. Return to the fork and take the north path. Head up the stairsto grab a chest containing a Mistral Wing. Go back to the path and follow it toa fork. Take the south path.
When it turns left, go right for a chest containingan Astar Soul. Go back to the path and head left to enter the next screen.Go left along the path to a big circle of pavement. Take the south path toarrive at three chests containing a Holy Orb, demons, and an Aqua Robe. Go backto the circle but take the north path to a fork in the road. Take the right pathto arrive at a chest containing a Guard Gum. Head back to the fork and headleft.
You will arrive at Tyrnanog shortly.Head north to enter the castle. Follow the hall and go up when you can. Enterthe second door you see for a chest containing a Revive Gem. You can go throughthe wall to the right and grab a chest containing a Quake Hammer. Exit the roomand head right. Go down when you can and go through two doors which lead to achest containing a Slab of Dusk.
Exit the two doors and go up. Follow the pathuntil you arrive at a set of stairs. Go up the stairs.Before you can do anything, Ozemos will attack you. He will now challenge you toa fight. Kill him to continue.
Head right along the hallway to encounter Akira.Time to fight Imperius! Select the option 'No Way!' He has about 2000HP, so it will be a difficult fight if you are not leveled up. After you defeatthe demon, they will run. Before you follow them, head down and exit the room.Grab the chest for a Wizard Ring. Go back into the room where you battledImperius and head into the gate at the top.Go right and get the TimeRift map from the chest.
After that, just follow thepath. There is only one path, so it should be easy. You will eventuallyencounter Imperius and his buddy Quazir. Get ready to fight Quazair! Alltogether, he probably has five forms, with each averaging 2000 HP each.
It isdefinitely a difficult battle.Congrats! Watch the ending.