Ant Raid Bait

Raid Max Double Control Ant Baits has two types of food to attract and kill ants. After ants feed on the bait, they return to the colony and transfer the bait to other ants, thereby killing the entire colony. Population reduction can be expected within days, with the baits working for up to 3 months.

Ants are the picture of industriousness. They are often used to teach good habits to children, so it's hard to see them as pests.But ants can become pests, especially when they infest your home and become a problem.

And while there are many ways you can deal with an ant infestation, using ant bait traps is one of the easiest and economical. So how do ant traps work and how do you use them?

Know more about ants, how they can become pests, how to use ant bait traps, and more. A Brief Look into AntsAnts belong to the insect class. As far as insects go, ants are some of the most common, harmless, and useful ones. You can find ants in rural and urban living spaces, and even in the wild. While ants are not as useful as bees, their digging helps turn the soil for planting.But their most useful service is their drive to scavenge.

Waste materials like hair, nail clippings, and such are collected by ants every day.Ants live in a colony, which can house anywhere from hundreds of ants to millions of ants. Unfortunately, even the industrious ant can become a pest when left to its own devices. Here are some reasons why ants can become a nuisance in your life:. Foraging skills. Their most prized ability can also be your worst nightmare. Ants are attracted to anything that can be regarded as a food source, whether it be the breadcrumbs under the table or the jar of cookies in the pantry. Once a worker ant has gotten wind of your food stores, you can bet it'd tell all its friends about it.

Sheer numbers. Ant colonies can house thousands. If one ant goes back home to tell everyone about your jar of sugar or your ripe fruit trees, you might wake up to thousands of them trailing to and from your house. And make no mistake, the ones you see outside of the colony are only a portion of the population. Workers are still left inside the colony, along with the males, the babies, and the egg-laying queen. Destructive digging.

Ants build their colonies underground. Their builders dig tunnels that connect chambers used for different purposes. All that digging will produce dirt, which will be pushed out of one of the many entrances. Sometimes, these dirt mounds can get big, creating an eyesore in your yard or garden. What's worse is if they make their tunnels close to the surface, underneath your home. A big enough ant colony tunneling beneath your home could undermine your home's foundation.

Ant stings. To make matters worse, some ants bite or sting. It's common knowledge that red ants bite. While the bite of a red ant is relatively harmless, some other species have bites and stings that are so severe. The sting of a Bullet Ant is said to be the most painful insect sting, while the sting of a Jack Jumper Ant can actually cause death.You can now see why ants can be a problem in your home, especially if you have small kids around.

Now you need to know how to eliminate them. When you see a pest, the common reflex action is to kill it on sight. For ants, this kind of strategy won't work, but you have to know a bit about their nature to know why.Ants can be roughly classified into 3: the workers, the babies or eggs, and the queen.

Most of the ant army is composed of workers, and the workers is further composed of different kinds.The ants that you see on the ground and on your countertops are worker ants. Their job is to look for food and bring them back to the colony.

In the colony, more worker ants take over the food supply, and use it mainly to feed the queen.The queen's job is to lay eggs, nothing more. She spends her whole life laying eggs to multiply or replenish their numbers. The queen never leaves her nest, unless it's to go to a new one to birth a new colony.This is why normal insect traps do not work on ants. A normal trap's purpose is to lure the insect and trap or kill it inside the mechanism. But if you do that to an ant, it won't do you any good.Why? Because it's not the worker ants that you should go after, but the queen. Even if you end up killing all the worker ants crawling on your table, as long as the queen is alive, she'll just lay more eggs to replace the worker ants lost in her colony.So instead of luring the ants and trapping them inside, an ant bait trap works the opposite: it lures the ants into the bait and allows them to bring it back inside their colony.Most ant bait traps are a mixture of something ants are attracted to—usually some sort of protein or carbohydrate—and something poisonous to them.

The goal is to have the worker ants bring the ant bait back to the colony, feed it to the queen, and eventually killing her and the entire colony. The key to successful ant baiting is observation. When you see a trail of ants in your home, don't kill them right away! Observe where they're going and where they're coming from. You'll get clues as to where they might be nesting and what kind of food they prefer to forage for.Once you've figured out their favorite scavenging grounds, it's time to set up your traps. If you're using a commercial bait, follow the instructions on the box or packet.

Divide the bait into several small containers, like in bottle caps. You can now place these along the trail and let the worker ants do the rest. DIY Ant BaitDid you know that you can also make your own ant bait trap? You only need 2 ingredients – powdered sugar and borax. The powdered sugar will attract the ants, while the borax will kill them after they eat them.To make your own bait, mix 3 parts sugar with one part borax. Divide into small containers and place near the entry points and along the trail. As was mentioned, ant bait traps do not work on all types of ants.

This is because different ants prefer different kinds of foods, and have different behaviors. Worker Carpenter Ants, for example, won't bring back food for the colony. If you set up bait traps for Carpenter ants, the workers will just eat the bait for themselves, rendering your traps useless.This type of ant infestation solution works best for Odorous House Ants.

These are the ants that leave pheromones along the trail so their fellow worker ants can quickly follow the leader to a found food source. As their name suggests, they're commonly found in homes. They're the common black ants you'll see circling your food.Carpenter Ants, on the other hand, are the 'red' ants that bite. They like to build colonies in moist wood such as trees and outdoor floors. If you notice piles of fine sawdust near a moist wood source, you've probably found a Carpenter Ant nest. Ant bait traps won't work on them.

Ants Ain't a ProblemAn army of ants invading your home might be annoying, but it's not impossible! Using ant bait traps is an effective, long-term solution to your pest infestation.Do you know someone who might be having trouble with ants? Share this article on Facebook and Twitter so they'll be able to handle the problem, too! For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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Getting rid of ants permanently can be very complicated for most homeowners. You may destroy a trail, only to find that a new one has formed just hours later.

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Use tested products to kill ants. The best and most effective way of destroying them completely is by targeting their colony.

Below is a roundup of the best pet safe ant killer products in 2020:

ProductPriceActive Ingredients
Our #1 Rated
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Stations
$5.4% Borax (Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate)
Advion Ant Gel Bait$$0.05% Indoxacarb
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Optigard Ant Bait Gel by Syngenta$$$0.01% Thiamethoxam
The Best Ant Sprays
Our #1 Rated
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter with Comfort Wand
$0.05% Bifenthrin, 0.0125% Zeta-Cypermethrin
Check Price
AMDRO Quick Kill Ready-to-Spray – Outdoor Ant Killer$$0.35% Zeta-Cypermethrin
ECO Defense Home Pest Control Spray for Indoor & Outdoor Use$$$4.0% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 0.11% Geranium Oil, 1% Peppermint Oil
Check Price
Talstar Professional Pest Control Insecticide$$7.9% Bifenthrin
Orange Guard 101 Home Pest Control Spray$5.8% d-Limonene (Orange peel extract)
Check Price
EcoSMART Organic Home Pest Control Ant & Roach Killer Spray$$$5% 2-Phenethyl Propionate, 0.5% Rosemary Oil, 0.5% Clove Oil, 0.25% Thyme Oil

What is the Best Pet Safe Ant Killer? – Buyer’s Guide

Tired of cleaning the mess left behind by ants in your home? Here is a simple and effective guide of eliminating them completely and safely. Besides being a real nuisance to your home, they also farm garden pests such as soft scales and aphids. An ant infestation can, therefore, be vexing, and many times it becomes almost impossible for a homeowner to deal with the stubborn insects. So, how can you safely get rid of ants? In this write-up are tested ways and products that can effectively help in solving your problem. Learn about pet safe ant killers that can help in controlling your situation more effectively.

Table of Contents

  • Safe Ways of Killing Ants

Top 3 Best Ant Killer Products

Are you looking for an effective way of eliminating ants in your home and the best pet safe ant killer to use? After much research, there are definitely some products that stand out more than others. And the winner is TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Stations.

1. TERRO Ant Bait Stations – Best Pet Safe Indoor Ant Killer

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Terro ant killer can be placed anywhere. It is a sweet bait which ants take and carry to their colonies, and this causes them to die within hours. Terro is a slow-acting poison designed to destroy an entire colony and has great user reviews for effectiveness.

How Safe is Terro Ant Killer Around Pets?

Terro is a highly recommended liquid ant bait. It is a food-based product, sweet like pancake syrup, and is combined with borax.

Terro is an effective ant killer that doesn’t harm pets.

It is designed to kill ants on contact and protect your residence with residual control for about two months. Worker ants are allowed to consume the liquid and survive long enough to carry the product to its colony. The slow kill gives time for the ants to make many trips to the bait. Keep off all other food products from the bait to ensure the ants only feed on the liquid bait.

2. Advion Ant Gel – the Best Ant Killer Product

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Advion has a solid reputation and outstanding user reviews as one of the best products for eliminating ants while still protecting your pets. It has a small percentage of the active ingredient, making it safe around pets and children.

3. Optigard Ant Bait Gel – Best Pet Safe Ant Bait

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Optigard is a powerhouse product that comes in a gel form and is designed to attract and kill sweet feeding ants. Ants are allowed to feed on the poison, and given enough time to carry the bait to the rest of the colony where the nest is eventually destroyed.

The Best Ant Spray

Summer is always an annoying season for most homeowners because this is when they have to deal with the irritating presence of ants. In case you experience this, only use a non-toxic and pet safe ant killer around your compound. So, what ant spray should you use in your home with the certainty that your pets are safe?

4. Ortho Home Defense

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This pet safe ant spray can be used to kill the pests quickly. After killing the ants, it then creates a protective barrier to keep ants away for up to a year. It does not stain, is odorless, and is pet safe once it has dried. It is, therefore, necessary to keep pets away until the solution has dried.

5. AMDRO – Best Outdoor Ant Spray

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AMDRO Ready-to-Spray kills and repels ants outside before they come inside. AMDRO has 0.35% Zeta-Cypermethrin as an active ingredient. You can use it on landscaped areas, lawns or around the perimeter of your home. AMDRO kills 25 species of ants.

6. ECO Defense Spray

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This is an Eco-Defense organic pet safe spray made with natural and safe ingredients. It is easy to use and gives quick results. Home Pest repels ants without leaving harmful fumes or chemicals and so can be used in any part of the home as often as need be.

7. Talstar Professional Insecticide

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Talstar ant spray is highly effective against ants and can be used indoors and outdoors, widely employed by pest control experts. It is a proven pet safe ant killer with no smells or stains, is nontoxic, and has no chemicals.

8. Orange Guard Spray

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Orange Guard formula can be safely used around pets and is designed for both indoors and outdoors to kill and repel both visible and hidden ants. When applied along a home’s perimeter, it acts as a barrier of protection. The formula took 14 years to go through thorough testing and certification to ensure it is safe for pets and children. The orange peels used to leave a fresh orange scent behind.

9. EcoSMART Organic Ant Killer

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EcoSMART is a 100 percent organic insecticide, safe to use around pets. It is made from a blend of organic plant oils and kills ants fast without leaving behind any harmful residue or synthetic toxins.

Safe Ways of Killing Ants

It could be a horrible situation to find ants swarming your open bowl of sugar the moment you open your cabinets, and this could perhaps prompt you to use strong chemicals to take the annoying pests all out as fast as possible. Avoid products that need you to keep a hotline number for emergency assistance. Also, understand that the chemicals could be harmful to your pet.

Most homemade ant deterrents are friendly to pets.

Today, there are many ways of destroying ants completely in a safe and responsible manner.

The most proven is the use of natural products including:

  • A mix of dish soap and water: fill a bottle with water and thoroughly mix it with dish soap. Look for a trail of ants and then spray the pet safe ant killer over them. This will immediately suffocate them. Soapy water is a natural insecticide.
  • Locate the source of the ants: if you notice ants in your kitchen especially fire ants, follow their trail. Fire ants for instance form mound in the yard and try to find their way to food scents. Locating the source gives you quick solutions of how to get rid of fire ants in a way that won’t harm your pet. Use caulk to seal the entrances the ants are using to get into your home and steer clear of the fact that they are small and can fit into almost any opening. Then, apply weather stripping to the doors. In your kitchen, food and trash should be stored in tightly sealed containers. Vegetation should be trimmed back, and furniture and debris sitting in the compound should be removed.
  • White vinegar or lemon juice: ants are quickly repelled by vinegar and the acidic scent of lemon juice. Using a solution of vinegar and water makes it less likely for ants to crawl into the surface. When sprayed around doorways, countertops, windowsills and the entire home, the solution can act as a deterrent. Alternatively, lemon juice can be an excellent solution. Ants are averse to citric acid.
  • Baking Soda: by mixing sugar and baking soda in a ratio of 1:1, you can quickly exterminate ants. They are attracted to the solution by the sugar, while the baking soda is meant to kill them.

Ant Killer Safe for Cats

There are great ways of keeping ants off your property without using harsh products that could potentially harm your cat.

Want to make the process of ant extermination much safer for your cat? Use humane ant control ways. Note that most toxic products harmful to the ants are also damaging to cats.

Baiting ants, for example, is a control method that encourages worker ants to feed the entire colony.

  • Boric acid, when mixed with sugar, is a proven method used to kill ants. It comes at the cost of around 7 dollars. The balls made out of the sugar and boric acid solution should be placed at all entry points and crawling areas. Boric acid poisons the ants’ stomachs causing them to die. The acid also destroys their exoskeleton. Also, the acid could be sprinkled around their nests to kill ants that come crawling out instantly.
  • Black pepperis a nonpoisonous product that can also be used to eliminate ants. It should be sprinkled along a trail of ants, in the cabinets, windowsills, and around your property.
  • Diatomaceous earth: this is an effective pet safe ant killer, composed of fossilized diatoms. 10 LB costs around 29.99 dollars. Once ants crawl over it, their outer coating is scratched by the fossil shards leading to the drying out of their bodies. This is achieved by sprinkling the powder along the ant trails and in mounds.
  • Corn Meal: ants are quick to feed on corn meal, unaware of the fact that it is hard to digest. Once carried to their colonies, the corn meal explodes in their bodies.

Ant Hill Killers

Ants are the most common insects found in backyards. They are beneficial in that they take out dead bugs as well as organic waste, but they are also known to cause problems. Some can bite or sting, and others can attack plants.

Below are effective ant hill killers:


  • Hot water spray: Hot water is known to kill ants fast when poured on an ant hill. When extremely hot, the water is so lethal that it can eliminate the whole colony in your backyard.
  • Soap Spray: liquid dish detergent can be mixed with water to form a potent spray safe enough to protect your pet and kill ants in a mound. A concentration of about five tablespoons of the soap detergent in a water gallon could work perfectly.
  • White Vinegar: White vinegar is a pet-friendly way of eliminating ants in a mound. It disrupts the scent trail, kills the ants fast, and exterminates them permanently. Destroying their breeding ground, which is the ant hill, is the only way to be sure they will not reproduce anymore. The natural acidity found in vinegar is enough to kill ants.

There are different pesticides available, but what you find may not be a pet safe ant killer. This makes it necessary to learn more on non-poisonous methods, such as using a homemade ant killer.

You can find further details of Ants Control here.