Liberal Crime Squad Mods
Mods for Liberal Crime Squad, Door Kickers, and Cataclysm DDA - Taberone. A work-in-progress mod that primarily focuses on adding professions based off. 'Gangsters' is a strategy game that romanticizes gangs - just like the Roaring Twenties did. I haven't seriously played this game for over a decade. It's a slow game, particularly since I'm trying.
Squad members are a huge boon, but they require a lot of upkeep, too. Be sure you know what you're getting into before you sign on the dotted line. Your Employees are an InvestmentShockingly, nobody in is willing to follow you all over a ludicrously dangerous desert for free. If you want strangers to risk their lives for you, be ready to pony up a fair bit of cash.It costs somewhere around 10,000 Cats to hire a 0-level worker and train them to the point of being halfway competent in a handful of skills. I use the following rule of thumb: if I can't comfortably spare 10k, I'm not ready to hire a new person. They need gear, time and equipment for training, and they need to eat. Lightbot code hour. They'll also soak up piles upon piles of medical supplies when they inevitably get their faces smashed in by enemies.Fortunately, you can use this guide to teach them to be.
As for scrounging up enough cash to pay their salary in the first place, check out our. Smash up rules clarifications. Division of LaborKenshi becomes a radically different game as soon as you hire your first squadmate.