Struggling Synonym
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STRUGGLE 'STRUGGLE' is a 8 letter word starting with S and ending with E Crossword clues for 'STRUGGLE' ClueAnswerSynonyms, crossword answers and other related words for STRUGGLEWe hope that the following list of synonyms for the word struggle will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver.We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find.If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange.If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a definition for the word if we have one.We hope that you find the site useful.Regards, The Crossword Solver TeamIf you have a moment, please use the voting buttons (green and red arrows) near the top of the page to let us know if we're helping with this clue. We try to review as many of these votes as possible to make sure we have the right answers.
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- 1. struggle, battle, attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try
- usage: an energetic attempt to achieve something; 'getting through the crowd was a real struggle'; 'he fought a battle for recognition'
- 2. conflict, struggle, battle, group action
- usage: an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); 'the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph'--Thomas Paine; 'police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs'
- 3. struggle, effort, elbow grease, exertion, travail, sweat
- usage: strenuous effort; 'the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her'
- 1. fight, struggle, try, seek, attempt, essay, assay
- usage: make a strenuous or labored effort; 'She struggled for years to survive without welfare'; 'He fought for breath'
- 2. struggle, endeavor, endeavour, strive
- usage: to exert strenuous effort against opposition; 'he struggled to get free from the rope'
- 3. clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, skin, struggle, sputter, climb
- usage: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
- 4. contend, fight, struggle
- usage: be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight; 'the tribesmen fought each other'; 'Siblings are always fighting'; 'Militant groups are contending for control of the country'
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Rabbit proof christmas tree. See also: struggle (Dictionary)
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