The Long Journey Home Wiki
The Cueddhaest are energy beings that live inside of large insect-like carapaces with masks. As a species, they often appear in pairs aboard their own vessels due to an old agreement their warring factions had. They balance each other out.
Unlike other races, they are already beings of polarized energy which cannot permanently die. Their energy can be released into the environment, which can allow for them to be reborn as themselves or their polar opposite.
To the Cueddhaest, this process is 'a nuisance'.A philosophical and wise race, the Cueddhaest now seek the same one 'Truth' ever since they mended the great factional schism in the past. Cueddhaest believe that finding and using the three mythical instruments the Starfather left them, a Compass, an Astrolabe and a Sextant, can lead them to the legendary location called the Pillars of Ascension where they will ascend to the Nextplane. Their faction are still present and disagree on the nature of 'the Truth', but are unified in their search for ascension.Generally, most other races are indifferent to the Cueddhaest.The Cueddhaest often appear as a pair, arguing about which of them should address the player. The orange Cueddhaest are Heralds of the Symbiotry of the Labyrinth and the blue are Heralds of the Second Testament. Both factions follow the same religious books, but the factions interpret them differently and put their emphasis on different parts.
Even though their opinions can be quite contradicting they are united in their search for the threefold Key that opens the way through the Pillars of Ascension to the Nextplane.In the quest, the heretics actually call themselves by names, making 'Xact' one of the rare examples of their actual language and nomenclature. 'Xact' is a dark Cueddhaest and by letting their natures take over, the Cueddhaest of the Non-Truth give a rare glimpse of the old times and don't balance each other out. The dark Cueddhaest are impulsive and vile, while the light Cueddhaest can be logical and cold. The quest offers two approaches to the same problem. Getting rid of you!There are clear hints, that the Cueddhaest are directly linked to the.
Both races are energy beings and linked by the Cerulean Crusade. The threefold Key indicates, that there is a third faction of the Cueddhaest and their stories indicate, that Cueddhaest are nothing else than the Cerulean Dawn - just working with more peaceful methods to achieve their ultimate goal of ascending to the Nextplane.Religion The religion of the Cueddhaest is written down in their books.
Long Journey Home. This song is by The Chieftains and appears on the album The Essential Chieftains (2006). If on every ocean the ship is a throne And for each mast cut down another sapling is grown Then I could believe that I'm bound to find A better life than I left behind.
The religious background stories are mainly told by the Cueddhaest at the end of each conversation. The player can buy three of their books, but is not able to get any information about the contained lore. There are five sermons, which summarize the story of the universe from the perspective of the Cueddhaest including the role of the, and the. Book of the Crusade:From Darkness into Light are Cueddhaest born, and to darkness from light is it out destiny to fade and be reborn.
As we shine, it is our task and privilege to illuminate Starfather's veins. To bring truth to the Labyrinth of Stars. Yet over time, the candles of heaven expired. From the dark places came the dragons that were death and war and entropy, against whom only the Truth could stand, yet in Non Truth did we find ourselves. The Elders spoke.
This state of affairs could not continue. The Great Crusade was called, to venture forth into the Labyrinth of Stars and discover the threefold Key that would open the way through the Pillars of Ascension. Book of the Dawn:The way of the Cueddhaest has always been the way of disharmony and schism, as Starfather decreed upon our creation. None but Starmother and Starfather can know the whole Truth, yet to be lesser is to be part of the Non Truth. So were our factions always separated, that the search for Truth never end, and vigilance against Non Truth be rendered as sacred as its purification. Yet over time, the power of Truth and Non-Truth wavered.
Factions of Cueddhaest belief swelled and became dominant; their Non Truth too now taken for Truth. All others were silenced. All other believers were cast to the dark places, to be left behind once the Cerulean Crusade for the Pillars of Ascension began.
Which is where the trouble really started. Book of Fallen Candles:The self-proclaimed greatest and wisest of us formed the Crusade. The Amarinth. The Consecrant. The Heralds of the Twin Polarities.
The Teneb and the Lambent. The Singers of the:Light. All united as the Dawn. The Dawn of a new era. The Dawn of prophecy.
The Dawn destined to rise. The Dawn, following the path of the Truth to the Pillars of Ascension, and beyond. Leaving the rest of us behind. It has been many Great Cycles. We have grown since then.
We have reformed. We have found our own Truth in the darkness. Now we are finally ready to follow the Path.
To bring the Light. Find the Threefold Key. Go beyond the Pillars. Book of the Second Schism:In the wake of the Cerulean Crusade, those Cueddhaest left behind felt to conflict. Truth against Truth. Non-Truth against Non-Truth. Cycle unto Cycle.
Cycle unto Great Cycle. Great Cycle unto Great Cycle, for it is not Cueddhaest nature to be destroyed. Cueddhaest energy dissipates. Energy cycles through Starfather's veins.
Cueddhaest soul reforms once again to take up old arms. War continues. In retrospect, it was a very pointless war. Finally, we noticed.
The Candles of Heaven, all extinguished. We were alone. Just Cueddhaest in the endless silence of the dark places. Finally tried talking.
Had tried everything else. So was founded the Covenant of the New Dawn. Every Cueddhaest faction twinned together. Every Cueddhaest pairbonded. No longer could any claim clear ownership of Truth. Nor could any be surely decryed as being of the Non-Truth.
No more skirmishes. But also, no Starfather. No Starmother. Not even the Labyrinth of Stars. Only the darkness.
So was it finally declared time. To reforge as the Crusade of the Second Dawn. To fulfill Starfather's prophecy.
To follow the Path of the Old Dawn to the Pillars of Ascension and ascend unto the Nextplane. Book of the Final Dawn:Starfather had given the primal Cueddhaest more than the spark of life. He gave them the Truth, that the path to the Pillars of Ascension was not one that could be walked alone. To that end, he broke the Key to the Pillars of Ascension into three parts, for three was the number, and the most appropriate number. First of the three parts was the Astrolabe, to guide our souls. The Compass, to guide our hearts.
Finally, the Sextant, to guide our bodies. Once united, they would show the path to where the Pillars of Ascension would finally open. The Nextplane beckons us, to join those who came before.
Starfather be praised. Starmother be praised. Interactions Cueddhaest invite the player to listen to one of their five sermons, whenever the conversation is finished. Listening to them all unlocks the 'THERE MAY BE A TEST LATER'. Declining decreases the respect. Insulting the Cueddhaest makes them insulting humans in various ways.
Insulting a friendly race or praising an enemy race decreases the respect. Cueddhaest Heralds give away The Book of Fallen Candles or The Book of the Second Testament as a gift. Reading them can start the quest. A Cueddhaest Herald is a civil ship with a merchant. When first encountering the humans (after the humans met any other Cueddhaest in the game), they will give The Book of Fallen Candles or The Book of the Second Testament away for free. They will try to escape, if attacked.Heralds have one shield all around and no weapons.Templar Cueddhaest Templars are the military ship of the Cueddhaest. It can perform cargo scans and when hostile, it will attack the player.The ship has 1 dynamic cannon at the back dealing shield damage and 2 canons on each wing dealing either hull or shield damage.
There is also a static cannon to the front dealing great damage with a very slow reload time. The ship can spawn two more little ships, which lay mines.A Templar has 4 shields protecting the front, back, and the wings of the ship.Cargo Scan Cueddhaest Templars can start a cargo scan, when the player enters a Cueddhaest. The player can refuse the scan, which decreases the Cueddhaest respect. If the player agrees to the scan and the Templar finds something, he can either hand it over (increases respect), or refuse to do so, which decreases the respect and ends the conversation.The contrabands are:. Glukkt VR Erotica. Meat.
Drinks (including poison). Jassikan artifacts. Illegal items. EM tanksDiplomacy Friends:,Enemies:,Friends will get offered more items in the shop and might receive a small medical item as a token of friendship.“We are Heralds of the Cueddhaest, here to bring Truth to this dark corner of the galaxy. Admittedly, we're still fighting over which of our truths is right.„Assessment of the Entrope (only accessible with Entrope Administrator Password on Entrope Stations)Information gathering in progress.WARNING: Designate matches profile AA-33432Notes. The database of the suggests, that the Cueddhaest and the are the same kind of energy beings, just trapped in different shells striving for their ascension. It is something the Maylaa have already achieved and thus get revered by the Cueddhaest.
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The Long Journey Home does not allow the player to use any Cheats in standard mode. However, it is possible to add a launch option (command line argument) during the startup of the game to enable a cheat menu.
- 1Launch TLJH in cheat mode
- 3Cheat menu
Launch TLJH in cheat mode[editedit source]
Add -tljh_carebear_me
to the command.
GOG version[editedit source]
In the GOG Galaxy client right-click The Long Journey Home and go to Settings>Configure Game>Custom settings. Check 'Add command line arguments' and add -tljh_carebear_me
Steam version[editedit source]
Right-click the game in the library of the Steam client application and go to Properties>General. Click on 'Set launch options..', type -tljh_carebear_me
and confirm.
From now on, cheats will be activated in the game.
Keyboard keys[editedit source]
Key | Action |
D | Shows how the galaxy is generated by the game (galaxy view only) |
H | Hides the user interface |
Alt + X | Opens the cheat menu |
F5 | Quicksave |
F9 | Quickload |
Cheat menu[editedit source]
The cheat menu can be opened by pressing Alt+X at all times during the journey. It is split in up to 13 sub-categories. A few categories are hidden in the galaxy view. While some cheats are classical cheats, others change the basic mechanics of the game and should be handled with great care.
Cheats[editedit source]
Command | Effect |
++ Hull | Complete hull repair for the ship |
++ Fuel | Complete refuel for the ship |
++ EM | Refills all EM tanks |
++ Lander | Adds a new lander, if the old one was destroyed |
++ Credits | Adds 100 |
-- Hull Ship | Damages the ship hull a little bit |
-- Fuel Ship | Removes a bit of ship fuel |
-- EM | Removes 1 EM container |
-- Fuel Lander | Removes a bit of lander fuel |
-- Hull Lander | Damages the lander hull a little bit |
-- Dmg Ship Module | Damages/destroys a ship module |
-- Dmg Lander Module | Damages/destroys a lander module |
Repair defects | Repairs all defects of both lander and ship modules except of weapons |
++ Weapon Dmg | |
ALL Services | (in conversations only) adds all services to the conversation |
BOOM! | (during encounters only) destroys the alien ship |
Hurt | Randomly injures a selected crew member |
Artifacts[editedit source]
All items are shown and can be searched and added to the ship inventory with just one click. The list includes items, that cannot be acquired during normal gameplay, and all conversation topics, the player can learn about in conversations with aliens.
Quests[editedit source]
All quests, that are possibly available in the seed are displayed. They are grouped in active quests, welcome quests and by the alien races initiating the quest. Active quests can be aborted by clicking on them. Inactive quests can be started by clicking on them, or typing their names into the console and pressing start. After a quick loading screen the quest will be active.
Elements[editedit source]
All resources are shown. When clicking on an icon, one resource container is added to the ship's cargo.
Devices[editedit source]
All modules are displayed and grouped in lander, ship, weapon, and shield devices. By clicking on a device it is added to the ship/lander. When clicking again, the module is damaged and with one more click it is destroyed again. The game will use the weapon/shield, that was installed first during fights, if multiple weapons/shields are present.
Traffic[editedit source]
The Traffic menu shows the traffic level of each star system as defined by the seed. The value is typically between 0 and 5. The traffic value is shown per alien race and indicates the probability of aliens jumping into the star system. It can be changed individually. Additionally, every space ship in the game can be spawned by clicking on its name.
Locations[editedit source]
Locations displays a list of all biotopes, ruins, wrecks, and other special locations of the current sector. Clicking on 'Show ALL Quest Infos' displays all quest targets of the active quests on the galaxy map. It includes the spawn locations of the %$^£ and the positions of all wanted criminals. There is no undo!
Aliens[editedit source]
The standings of all aliens are displayed in numeric values and can be changed. Next to it the big diplomacy matrix shows the relationship of all alien races among each other.
Jumprange[editedit source]
The jump range can be set to unlimited. The quick jump home to Sol is now possible (but also destroys the idea of the whole game, if we're honest.) While the jump range is set to unlimited, all gates and star ports are indicated on the galaxy map.
God Mode[editedit source]
When active, all crew members are invincible, as well as the lander and the ship. No fuel is consumed. This is the only save way of traveling through a black hole.
Intercept[editedit source]
The ability of other ships to intercept the player can be turned off.
Reset Achievements[editedit source]
Removes all achievements. Don't use this, if you are proud of what you have achieved so far!